måndag 12 januari 2015

Pom Pom: We, Europeans.

We are Europeans. We should somehow succeed in the USA and China. In order to we could do, we should to be better. We can not afford to wars or other larger fightings. The former satellite states, you are now free, independent, have been in quite a while. Why have not you happier? We want to hear more of happiness and the joy and hope to see the shine in your eyes. We want to hear about a new culture, a new musical.

In order for us Europeans we could do for the US and China, would have us to get Russia to blend in ourselves, ruble to strengthen the euro, rubles, euros.

Yes its size has limited effect. So much ask, if someone wants to force misunderstood. Thus, the so-called rapeing reasons.

Banks, financial decision-makers in the world have it long ago realized. And united And united. Fused.

Basic must be in order. Naive, perhaps, but the basic is always basic.

And the Muslims. Actually, we should take the reversal condition. You are welcome if you adjusted to the faith. If you do not, stay on the limit of the back, by your own forces. Minarets are exotically beautiful and elegant, but it should be leaved us a reason to travel as tourists. Why confuse, bewilder, Western people by building they are here.

A clear and simple basic life would be better, because we are so simple, we little and poor people.

This is not racism but clear-headedness.

A strong Europe, a strong euro would be in all our interests.

NOT III-World War !!!


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