måndag 12 januari 2015

Pom Pom: Olli Jalonen.

Olli Jalonen's latest book Men and people is a book in which the reader actually swam the main character under the skin.

One can not but admire the authors.

His ideal of John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men flashes appear for a few seconds.

Here are some memorable Olli Jalonen's words of wisdom:

"If you like semolina dumplings released, the handle of the bucket is a bitch."

"If the bread dough does not rise, the home is a heavy aircraft."

"If they are old maids, is so know that the good is worth waiting for."

"... all the back and forth in."

"Dry Vodka is 45 volt."

Lilting: "Every man has five queens, a slut five men."

"If it rains when the change is good fortune. When it rains and the sun is shining in the heavens for the wedding."

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