lördag 10 januari 2015

Pom Pom: Va'clav Havel.

Did womanizer Va'clav Havel liked me?

His secretary Michael Zantovsky Havel has written an in-depth and a good biography.

The suppression of the Prague Spring protested some time ago, as many others. I loved the Czech satires. In the 80's I wrote Velvet Revolution ! I would argue that it was invented in my name. A few weeks after that began to publicly talk about the Velvet Revolution in the Czech Republic. I've taken.

But the book.

President of the idealist Havel tried to organize a fair redistribution of wealth. Had to fix the old mistakes Always 1620's onwards, "in which the 30-year war at the beginning of the Catholics were confiscated by the Protestant nobility large farms." Holocaust victims. The Communists seized property. Austro-Hungarian Empire end times, and the establishment of Czechoslovakia caused the wrongs. Then had been implemented, the aristocrats and the large landowners property privatization. II World War II occurred in three million Germans Banish also caused the wrongs.

Self Clearly Czechoslovakia joined NATO Havel period.

Finland and Sweden are still working on it day and night accession to NATO. No one has said that the US original It was the plan of NATO at the same time dismantling of the Warsaw Pact dissolved, the Cold War ended. Perhaps the commemoration of the Lord Ismayn words: "NATO has to keep the Russians out, the Americans in and the Germans down." now we are resulted in some kind of a situation where no one really knows what to do. To give space to the EU, Europe? Well, wait until someone is activated. I must say that I hope it is not Putin, if he does not change his means.

Havel, as a guideline when making the revolution was the great Jewish Prague, Franz Kafka's words: "After a certain point no longer be able to turn back. To the point is to get up."

Havel, a friend, a People Plastic saxophonist Vratislav Brabenec said the 1976 events, when Havel Revolution began: "We are like bats, we are flying blind in the midst of the darkness towards our creator, God, that does not exist." God, do not think of the then society was not possible or permitted.

Va'clav Havel created the concept of "absolute horizon, which we all have to be taken into account," as well as "enigmatic Being a memory, to which we all our actions are stored and where and by whom they are ultimately the real value. "

So time is the point, the poodle core ? Both the white and the black. And maybe some other color too.

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