tisdag 17 juni 2014

Pom Pom: Topical Midsummer wearing in Finland this year.

Those crazy Finns. Does all the Swedes, the Finns have such a fashion? Or the Americans or the British or the French or the Italians? Does the whole world? Last I guess we discovered when we called for the world to Donald Duck pants that the aunties in the library the need to ensure blushing. Yes it is, so that when close to the North Pole lives, so one must take into account dressing up a little differently than in the Mediterranean countries and the rest of the southern latitudes. While the fashion would change, we have decided to be deaf to complaints, yes, our grandma's model can be the next generation. P.S. This is the model Andie, which I am weawing when I am alone in the evenings. As now than he djust was at Ascot, alone (thank god). I am not sure if I remembered the size right because it´s shifting quite often, but quite sure I am.

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