torsdag 17 juli 2014

Pom Pom: Success ?

Stefan Ekberg: How to be Successful? (The publishing editors in Stockholm AB, 2014.)

Without money,


and with all the wrong bakrungd.

The book is scheduled in the library. I get it a few weeks after ordering.

If you want to read a book, anything that you already know, it was my prejudices.

For I was skimming through a considerable number of American happiness guides.

The first impression did not last, not at all.

Here extracted from the beads:

"Act, act, do something. Look for what you want, then grab things. Find the roads there. Careers. Was not happy. When you reach a goal, set up another, much higher goals. It what creates happiness. "

"Changing the inner voice. Whenever you hear yourself say that you are not good enough, that you can not will do it - then do you judge yourself to fail."

"... it takes ten thousand hours to become an expert at something. ungefähr It's three hours a day, for three years."

"Having a plan B just makes you a coward." "... you have accepted that your plan will fail."

"It takes ten years to become a star overnight."

Parkinson's Law. To do something just to take longer than you had planned at the beginning. You can break it. In fact, you could do it for a much faster rate.

"Life is not a waiting room."

"All of these choices yes did and did not do, I did not know it was life."

"Successful people face much more resistance than others because they ständigr challenge the limits of what can be done."

"Success is just luck. Want proof - ask anyone who failed."

Growing in the brain, he says: "There you plant there will also grow. A oats or Henbane (deadly poisonous). Soil you plant in does not give a damn about what you plant."

If you have had a bad childhood, the fact he says: Adult in safe and cozy family. "They are happy. They are safe. They are measured., You're hungry. Counting himself out who has the biggest advantage."

So much wisdom in that, I highly recommend the book translated.

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