måndag 21 juli 2014

Pom Pom: Sense of fashion.

Raising our children according to fashions. We love our children, as the amount of fashion.

We eat the food which is all the rage. Just a couple of generations ago, families were usually 10 to 20 children. The children were only mouths that needed to be fed,'s bodies that needed to be protected from frost and other weather quirkes.

Children was too much, the children were on the road, the children were stressful and a burden.

Love the faded volume. If they could not keep up down the line, they were rejected.

That is, the society was terribly cold viewed from below, through the eyes of its smallest. Bringing home care.

Then came the era when society raised our children, who had been 3-4. Women were taught that some women eat them, if children will be less than four.

Four of the appropriate amount. And then came the love moderately. School and society responded to the upbringing completely, the parents were to live his own life-time without any hassle.

Society depended. Its solid steel bars were collabse safe during. If the kids wanted something they got it sees, a lot of parents do not support the children's interests.

Except for a few, and then came the results. As Björn Borg's parents. It was a deadly alone the survival of the ideal and requirement.

Slightly changed as have attitudes that parents and in-laws to support their children's marriages a lot more than before. Sure, they have always been, but not as a general notion. We were just a shift system where parents chose their children's spouses. When you are self-chosen, self-selvitkööt also expected. Increase in divorce rates revealed that the only explanation. Support is needed.

Today, children are the gold pieces. It is no longer trusted the school or society to increase the children at all.

Many parents invest in their children's activities, and all education. Will something from them without living their own lives, something that crashes onto the retirement age? It can be seen then.

Is not it really quite chilling, that is such a fashionfactor in our feelings ?

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