tisdag 10 september 2013

Pom Pom: Mao, Putin and Andie.

Mao Zedong made a great leap in the long march towards progress, the hundred flowers, and swam in the Yangtze River
the tide of power by demanding way-in stride.
Putin, a judo black-belt, posing. According to rumors, too, you could do it. The winners in both.
And you, HRH Prince Andrew won, in addition to the awesome, creepy, scary, awful, daunting, eerie, intimidating, dreaded, fearful, fearsome, forbidding, frightening, redoubtable, scetchy or spooky  The Shards.
Yes, that's it, although the Randy Andy are cops in the dark feeling. For one reason: Your  reputation is  too good to it, the winner.

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