tisdag 21 april 2015

Pom Pom: literary world voids. Good feeling creators and supporters of the order.

Air bubbles, colorless, give me a new kind of colored pencils, I would like to meet them.

Where are the writers, great storytellers:

- Sovjet jews moved to Israel.

- Former satellite countries quantities tellers.

- Swedish descriptions of Immigrants, emigrants.

- The German philosophers of the present time will tell.

- Finland's current, moved to Portugal, Sweden, and who knows where.

- What about the Russian writers.

-Jews who not describe the concentration camps.

Conspicuous by their absence.

Large cuts through the words in the mouths, minds sing, Karelia looking for?

Is that just?

What brings us right to mute?

It is like the opening of the West would only be made for all the money and gold behind the runners, so there is no time for writing or culture.

Crown pictures irises in the eyes of the spot was said before the Swedish Finnish.

Gold shines a blinding against a black background.

The world changed so terrible, that it is not ready to recognize?

Money to fight a greater than ever before, skins dream of torturing power, competition for blood work, love becomes disposable.

Every new day can be a disaster, which is forced to survive somehow.

The beautiful Mediterranean has become a black cemetery where irresponsible money collectors are the only ones who can afford to.

I can be happy only if I close my eyes and ears of the world.

Subscribe to women dream of light literature.

Girls, now pens in the hand.

We see the world a little more beautiful than competing macho brothers. Because our world is often smaller, less open, more secure, light blue and pink. And fun.

PS: Read Leila Kiiskinen Greetings from Italy.

Read in the face good wind importer Irmeli Takamäki from Karlskoga.

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