lördag 18 april 2015

Pom Pom: Kalevala of Mercy in 2015.

The scandal of the century was the beginning of the year when the true Wäinämöinen uncovered a pedophile.

Size Finlandia great culture is therefore based - pedophilia!

Aino was only 14 years old.

Case Aino after the minstrel had a nursing home, where he was forgotten.

His Jurist tried to explain that the power of the party's new MP was secretly entered her pale blue pills. But it did not help, because the psychological test Väinämöinen accepted only those to his medicine. Otherwise, the dreams did not come about right. And caramel.

Retracing old wife Eve went to the beauty of surgery every other month.

Lemminkäinen of love came up, he was sure that it was he who had discovered sex. Eve had the same view.

Written fled to the jungle to the Otava, WSOY, Tammi, Gummerus and Karisto named big snakes. Other beasts kingdom is not needed for all that, they had enough.

Employment exchange office director sang the unemployed into the swamp, and so problems do not suddenly was not.

Ilmarinen enthusiasts Sampo - with a laptop.

Joukahainen connived and came up with a new program, which took millionaires accounts six euros a day and moved it to his own account. So that no one has succeeded in to destroy this virus. For other accounts of it left in peace, because they very rarely had euros or other shiny. The program was called Magpie. Or Crow it was, some other bird in any case. It was remarkably calming effect on society, so in the end the destruction of the virus were forgotten.

And so the world was a tad better than before, but also the world of Kalevala alarming beginning of the year, despite the. Or was it now, including the desire, no one will remember no more. Maybe it was not a need that I do not.

There is nothing so useless as useless idea.

What was to be proven.

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