torsdag 20 november 2014

Pom Pom: Ooooooops !!!

You do not inadvertently help speed up your sex life! The control you must have.

Was your lunch peppered?

- Ostron and chocolate, we don´t have so often as our breakfast, or how ?

- Safran. How many saffron buns noticing you put your cheek? Sensitization of contact.

- Strawberry. Increases the blood flow. Baptized in chocolate, right temptation, double the power.

- Watermelon. In theory, the same power as the small blue pills. Melons changes the amino acid arginine body feels.

- Almond. Zinc makes us eager. So the Christmas pudding parties may have this power.

- Avocado. Aztec already knew it, called avocado tree as the eggtree, dicktree. Potassium and vitamin B6.

- Nutmeg. Maustitko your coffee with it? Includes tryotsan amino acids, which spice up this very way.

- Carnation, cloves. Is effective in an exciting way - with men. Gives fresh breath. You can look out for men in particular, near we doesn´t need to look the other way our head.

- Chili. The same effect as if you were physically agitated. Ingredient may well hormones, endorphins. (As an aid in AB 20/11/2014)

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