måndag 3 november 2014

Pom Pom: How to come to terms with the approved design.

The 50th century, people were able to.

60's made ​​us forget about it. We were honest!

Should it be, after all, to learn?

I had the auntie, who spent Christmases and summers often stay with us. She was a stubborn smoker. We live in my father's aunts could not under any circumstances accept women smoking. After all, it was almost a mortal sin. They had their time healthenlightener knowledge.

So this lady was smoking a toilet while visiting. Secretly, and not accidentally so that no one would see. That, she might not have thought of that cigarette smell exposed him. But no one said never a word to her about it at all, not even we are small.

This went on for 30 years!

And so remained amicable relatives.

What about now? It is as if the families would have broken many. Is it because society throwed suddenly genera unfortunates, and a measly buck to the family. Well-being of society shut down, why on earth?

Cheers, the 50's!

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