tisdag 5 november 2013

Pom Pom: The crazy one ? To the 10th potency.

As the teenager you think that you are a crazy, ratty, unhinged, wack, wacko, weirdo,
bonkers,buck wild,flaky,fruitcake,headcase,looney,loony,loopy,maniac,nutcase,nutter,nutty,
postal, bananas, moved, displaced, wild, wacky, silly, senseless, nuts, nonsensical, meaningless, mad,
lunatic nuts, freakish, freak, foolish, eccentric, deviant, barmy, absurd, abnormal, aberrant, kook,
insane, demented, cracked, berserk, loon, madman or lunatic one.
Thereafter you think that the others are.

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