onsdag 7 oktober 2015

Pom Pom: Literature Nobel Prize in 2015 - the day before.

The atmosphere begins to properly recharge. Literature Nobel give so much to the media and the people, the ordinary people and street wanderer that it affects us all in Sweden living. Even if your knowledge of literature, confine Report of the cleaning bucket. It, who broke the literary class boundaries. Kneaded properly.

Other Nobel prizes have awakened the whole week and the experts from the business world.

A few years ago I saw biking Alma Katarina Frostenson Arnault to the minute at 12:30 pm on the day when the year award was announced.

So she is a member of the Nobel Committee. The poet, who certainly is not forbidden thoughts. She who writes so neatly that she does not need to censor her thoughts, eather. As some of the others. The popularity of the wind makes it a success or family or lessons? Dare one say genes?

The fine play. It is nice to me, that I believe in myself? When the way is like being in a guerrilla war.

Well, Andie has promised to marry me if I can get it. Ought it one of the reason to be.

Who Nobel Prize for Literature in 2015, then gets?

It is obvious that Svetlana Alexievich, blossoming other.

Ukraine and even win something. In war.

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