söndag 23 augusti 2015

Pom Pom: Still, Alice.

Alzheimer's disease is so common in the People's illness, that almost all of us is there any link. If there is a grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle or cousin as a neighbor or co-worker neighbor.

But we hardly ever wondered what the patient thinks.

Once is quite enough to do with everyday life, how to get it to go smoothly. Someone next door to a lonely villa has lived in the former Court of Appeal a member or the president. In the house a visitor finds walking through a 10 cm a thick mat, which consists of the right to official records, correct ... sprawled across the whole living room ... Alzheimer's - Alice itself sitting peacefully tobaccos armchair ... answering and chats completely objectively. What else, from the hard refueled juristeria not then just get lost and disappear opinion or language. Although morning and yesterday's events have no idea. Odor can be.

Alzheimer creates drama with a capital noice when it does not kill you all at once, with one fell swoop as heart attacks.

Diseases are horrible. Childhood is a paradise and a hell of old-age most in life. Almost everyone is doing their utmost to bring the kids, at least break even, not even a piece of paradise. But it is often ice, energy thickheads not enough and stubborn pamper the elderly.

Particularly hard is to see on his or hers auntie decline in a month talking about children´s language and crawling child level. Previous visit were met with a stylish and perfectly and beautifully combed aunt, who happily joking about current events.

Lisa Genova has written a book Still, Alice the diseased Harvard professor. About how she feels the disease and how it progresses. When the poor and shockingly. For the most part since the disease was diagnosed at just 50 years of age. The patient write instructions for making a suicide when she was still healthy. When the patient then reads the instructions, she does not remember at all actually wrote them.

It is good to know something about Alzheimer's, though, you can protect your child seems only - a raincoat.

If we know exactly the physical effects of Alzheimer's, it should be curable. Having a few tens of years? When all the money will go for the construction of weapons? Until then, the families with the opportunity to begin to watch more youth more and more and declare no-marriage.

Who would want to grandchildren 50 years? The same life expectancy as previously untreated diabetes mellitus.

The future is Romeo and Juliet - stories?

How happy were we before we looked at the genes !

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