onsdag 26 augusti 2015

Pom Pom: Hedgehog elegance.

The second book by Muriel Barbery is - lovely.

Human, topical, philosophical - greater than life and interesting.

About how the immigrant has to conceal intelligence while pulling the role of a simple worker. Given the important role could not withstand the other dimensions. In order to ensure a smooth life.

How love to break boundaries.

Philosophy teacher Muriel Barber Above is the new definitions intelligence:

"Smart is only the brain is often a programming error, that intelligence is for them a goal. An intelligent being to fill their whole head, which is absurd. And when the intelligence set goal of self, it begins to act strangely: obscurity the expression becomes more certain proof of intelligence than to realize and simplicity. "

And the rest:

"Russia ... nobles kept during the Napoleonic wars to learn again to speak Russian, because they had been used to talk about to each other in French. "

"... Who sent it eternal loneliness correct."

"Everyone knows that diplomacy only works if the force relations are in balance. "


"I've always been fascinated by people with the ability to sacrifice oneself, it's the enormous the resources we use for searching the empty and unnecessary and absurd rehashing of ideas ... emptiness of the altar. "

"... The rifle can become an end in itself ... to complicate things complicating joy. "

"... Information that seems unbearable so as to reveal the truth at all times."

"... The truth is truer simple."

The hedgehog is the most elegant when it spikes are upright.

What else? A wet, greased, plucked it would be unrecognizable.

It would only catch the real world - the victim.

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