onsdag 10 september 2014

Pom Pom: Best Journal of Woman ?

President Kekkonen has been in the afterlife for almost thirty years and more is revealed for new female stuff. I confess that we had time to get bored in time yes, there were so many. Even without Sylvi The X-Files. After all was known that Urho´s balls attracted many public women.

Journal of woman Maaret Tyrkky (Nametranslation: Offered in the - joke) was for us young women, it is wonderful that burst the glass roof, reached wherever men. She was the only woman who was accepted. I know.

For we fine and chaste girls if at all didn´t realize that work as the womanjournalist could be that kind of cockcapturingplace . Well, now we know it.

The truth would not be tolerated when the light of day at that time. What about now?

Maarit Tyrkkö, now Huovinen, has decided to test it by publishing the book Girl with a tape recorder.

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