lördag 26 april 2014

Pom Pom:Leena Liukkonen - The Russians are coming.

Especially the older generation , this is a press Leena Liukkonen title of the book provocative , powerful and interesting. The times commemoration of the Council : " The restaurant overcoat was able to enter a few meters away from the table to stand, so he was certainly noticed . " "Water Boys will be whistle-blowers . " "He got the prize of the Czar for the certificate , which was hit the bottle a ruler to fall at the end of his life. When the paper was a couple of times in pubs lost, the Tsar issued a tattooed guarantee drunk in the neck . " Reviews the current situation is this: "We all know how to build , care for the sick and to analyze the policy , and that's why any of these klmesta nothing going at all. " "Let's go , so to speak long the lights on. " " Emigrated to Sweden venakkoystäväni claims that all Russian men would get the first weeks of the charges of sexual harassment in Sweden. " Poodle core is : " Russia has the anima and sleep closer to the surface . " The book is not a tourist guide . It's not really any other culture than work culture guide . It is the place where you plan to go and work in Moscow . In a way it is like a textbook staying invisible .

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