fredag 6 februari 2015

Pom Pom: Shock !

I was a tourist trip in Amsterdam. There is a dark black watch of the night with its partners the Rijksmuseum.

Then there is the Anne Frank Museum, which was the photography ban.

Writing the ban does not, so I will tell.

In a small room, with a small Anne hid Nazi monsters is loosened wallpaper and very little furniture. On the walls there is no tables.

But there is one cut at an angle and press photography stick pin.

Queen Elizabeth girl early in the picture!

English kind of hoped and expected saviors, English was the hope of land.

But Anne Frank and many others, are too late. Still, I hope the importance can not be underestimated.

I, too, I stop breathing, if I lose hope. And the neo-Nazis get me caught.

Dear Prince Andie, please continue to tell your stories, donate your dreams, all that and much more.

In order not to lose my hope this horrible time. I, and others.

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