söndag 13 september 2015

Pom Pom: Lemmikki Valkeameri.

Drama Queen Christina of Sweden: Kristina sky.

Interesting and funny. Really good history teaching.

Queen Christina is always current, even if lived and dominated the 1600s. As a feminist, and intelligent. In fact, the correct feminism, which suffered a blow when the ruling politicians began to speak dismissively about the bunch of pussies.

This beads Queen Christina of heaven:

"The Holy Spirit blows where it wills."

"What lie dumb laws of the majority."

"In war, women as packed lunch.Throng at Hell's gate. Unfaithful secretly betrothed is the sebum brain. Secretly got rings snapped cross. Freedom is the substance. "

"I am confident that the sebum brain catches on the hook when it is precious."

"The crown is one that many beds."

"I'm not going to be his wife, I do not polonaise in bed, I will not lay eggs."

"War Catch Prague just took for a prey, but not now discuss with you our Art procurement method or moral. Sure Sweden needs the import of the culture. "

P.S. The punch of pussies - launched the concept of a swede politician disappeared, but the punch of pussies swims. A guarantee of topical new.

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