måndag 2 december 2013

Pom Pom: The best advice.

The best of the breeders are the ones who do not have children.
Therefore, my own opinion.Pom Pom has been single since 2008.
She has begun to realize itself as a suitableto give advice to married couples
who have plus the sun otherwise.
Therefore, there is a point returned from meltolamarried couples in how to keep together.
How can a man understand his wife. And how to his wife understands her husband.
Hot potato is being unfolded in the time after sex. It is rotatedlike a hot potato in your mouth.
Or swallow without chewing.So I will start with the words: sex.
It is often the case that it is not worth thinking about at all.But the man's wife,
without thinking of anything to keep around as fuck, at least not to have sex.
It creates the illusion of the man himself.Do not you think?
Try the husband that you stop it.
First wife wonders, twists his head, begin to think about recent history.
Perhaps acquires a new lace, which reveal more than cover.
If the situation continues,
and she can't find anyone to blame or suspect girlfriends.  Or beauties by job.
And so the wife makes only one conclusion:a man does not love any longer.
And that's what may start even though the many or any kind of wars.
No one just cannot understand what has happened and where we go when things are tieing or knotting.
So the man only:Fuck you - the wives!
There is no need for you to think about the need, at least, to have sex.

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