torsdag 7 mars 2013

Pom Pom: BIG LOVE.

What makes it ? You meet someone who responds your hidden needs from your life earlier. And then you change your life totally.
And nobody understand, not you, not your friends, not your relatives. The professional psychologists begin to fight if you ask them.
I, the big amateur say the following:
- your position in the family as the child, are you the number one, two, three and so on
- are you the first girl or the first boy in the family, to your grandfather or to your grandmother
- are your parents loving pair, or maybe solo
- your parents professions, your grandparents professions, your nearest relatives professions
- the political situation in the country you are living in
- your friends
Your character has it all smelted together.
Your life exactly now is not so satisfying I mean you are not in love someone but living so called ordinary, plain, usual,
run-off the mill, everyday life.
All that staff, if there are lacks in them, can make that if or when you meet the new person who fills that lack you are lost
and nothing helps. Svin Svinsson has born, with greetings to the swedish feminists.
But everyone knows this all - deep in his/her life.
Written in the International Women´s day 8.3.2013. The special blood as my ink.

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